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Trevor Heighway, Sculptor

I've been a carver/sculptor for 20 years, carving bone and ivories, mainly NZ Wild Ivory Pig Tusk, Whalebone and Teeth.

I use only handtools, small chisels, scrapers and needle files. I can carve just about anything but have a natural bent towards realistic
representation. I carve hunters trophys, horn, tusk, teeth, gun stocks and knife handles, for wearing or ornamental display.

I've taught bone carving as a course at night college and tutored privately. Some of my work is featured in the book
"Stone Bone and Jade" by Don Salt.

Carving with bone led on to sculpting in stone, finding a natural ability to create a wide range of forms, in 3D or 2D relief pictures
in stone. I work with Pam Griffin/artist/partner for many designs and commissioned work. As with bone I can create realisim, traditional,
mythical or fantasy depending on the design. I mainly use Hinuera stone or Mt Somers stone, a limestone which is harder and detail is

I have run sculpting symposiums as 3 week courses taking people from total inexperience through to a completed work of art. I am open to
tutoring in carving courses or sculpting symposiums. I am available for commissions for gravesite memorials and headstones, one off
sculptures for home or garden or commissions for corporate artwork.

Samples of sculptures are below and on our portfolio page.

Click on thumbnails for information and larger views |