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Pirongia Craft Group Commission

This sculpture, in Hinuera stone, was commissioned by the Pirongia Craft Group. The mountain area of Pirongia was first named by
Rakataura, a Tainui Tohunga (high priest). He named the area Pirongia Te Aroaro O Kahu (the fragrant presence of Kahu, his wife).

This sculpture relates to this story with the mountain, man and woman represented, and the woman's plait representing the Waipa
river curling around ending in 3 fronds, the upturned koru standing for Te Wairua (all things spiritual) and the downturned koru
all things natural of the river and land, the third frond which continues on represents life continuing on. Under the male face is
flax which signifies the provider, as flax was used for so many things in life and was also a commodity traded from the area. The
kowhai stands for just one of the many varied and plentiful native species of plants and birds in the area.
