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Gilmour Reserve Sculpture, Waihi

This is a pictorial of the development of a sculpture which will flank the entranceway to Gilmour Reserve and the lake in Waihi.
Commissioned by the Hauraki District Council, the project will take 6 months to complete. One side of the entrance will depict the
"Legend of The Ohinemuri River and the Taniwha" and the other will have a heritage theme with the mine rake train, Cornish pumphouse
and a period settler family.

View of the right hand side of the second entrance
stone with the Cornish pump house surrounded by trees |

The tunnel in the first entrance stone, which provides those who look through it with a surprise! |

Completed left hand side of the second entrance
stone |

Totara tree |

Finished left stone of the entrance markers |

Loading first stone ready to install at Gilmour Reserve |

Pam Griffin, Trevor Heighway, councillor Sel Baker and Hauraki Mayor John Trediga offiating at the unvieling of
the Gilmour Reserve entrance stones |

Finished entrance stone in place |
